ISME Research Pre-Conference Seminar 2024 - Call for Papers
Submission procedures
Update (09-Nov-2023): Submissions are closed for this Pre-Conference Seminar.
The online submission system must be used for Pre-Conference Commission Seminar submissions. This system will be available to ISME members through the official ISME members' website. (If electronic submission is impossible, please contact [email protected]).
The online submission system must be used for Pre-Conference Commission Seminar submissions. This system will be available to ISME members through the official ISME members' website. (If electronic submission is impossible, please contact [email protected]).
- All submissions and presentations must be in English.
- Every presenter must be an individual ISME member at the time of submission, at the time of acceptance and at the time of presenting.
- Individuals must be registered on the Submission System to be included in the published program. This includes co-presenters, panelists, and speakers on symposia. Any exceptions must be requested in advance of the submission.
- All Full Papers must be in the format of the Guidelines for Authors. Submissions must be presented in the required formats to be considered.
- Papers submitted for the 30th Research Commission Seminar should not have been previously published or be currently submitted for publication. Papers should contain original data that have not been published, presented, or submitted for presentation at any other conferences or symposia.
- Decisions concerning the acceptance of proposals rest solely with the 30th Research Commission as communicated by the Co-Chairs of the Commission. In addition to quality, it may be based on international representation and relevance to the Commission theme.
- Submissions to the 36th ISME Pre-Conference Seminars are now closed.
- Applicants will be notified of the results of the review process for submissions on or before February 28th, 2024.
- Successful applicants must confirm participation as presenters, by registering as a delegate for the pre-conference seminar no later than May 15, 2024. Should successful applicants not comply with this requirement, their submission may be withdrawn from the program.
Submission categories
1. Spoken Papers (Full Paper)
2. Posters
Submission Guidelines: A paper submission includes a title (no more than 15 words), and abstract (400 words), the completed paper (max 3,000 words, including end notes and appendices), and a list of references. The papers should report recently completed research and include the aims, salient literature, methodology, and findings of the study and the implications for theory or practice in music education. References should be included in the submission, although they are not included in the word count. A maximum of two (2) tables and/or figures may be included in the body of the paper. Papers should conform to APA style and be blinded. Full Paper submissions must also conform to the Guidelines for Authors provided on the submission website. Abstracts-only submissions will not be considered for this category. All papers will be fully (double-blind) refereed.
Submission Guidelines: A poster submission includes a title (no more than 15 words), an abstract (max 400 words), and a list of references. The abstract should describe recently completed research by stating the aims, salient literature, methodology, findings, and implications for research or teaching in music education. A list of references must be included after the abstract but will not be counted in the 400-word limit. Tables and figures can be submitted in one document with the list of references. No more than a total of two (2) tables and/or figures may be included. Please upload your List of References where it says ”Full Paper PDF” on the Submission Instructions page.
2. Posters
Submission Guidelines: A paper submission includes a title (no more than 15 words), and abstract (400 words), the completed paper (max 3,000 words, including end notes and appendices), and a list of references. The papers should report recently completed research and include the aims, salient literature, methodology, and findings of the study and the implications for theory or practice in music education. References should be included in the submission, although they are not included in the word count. A maximum of two (2) tables and/or figures may be included in the body of the paper. Papers should conform to APA style and be blinded. Full Paper submissions must also conform to the Guidelines for Authors provided on the submission website. Abstracts-only submissions will not be considered for this category. All papers will be fully (double-blind) refereed.
- Presentation guidelines: All paper presenters must attend all the sessions in person. Each invited paper presentation will be allocated 30 minutes, consisting of, at most, a 15-minute presentation and approximately 15 minutes for questions and discussion. Accepted papers will be distributed to presenters for reading before the seminar. Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their paper but rather structure the 15 minutes in a way that speaks to it and engenders an interactive discussion afterwards. Only one author in a multi-authored paper may present.
- Seminar Proceedings: All accepted papers will be published in the Seminar Proceedings. Authors of accepted papers wishing to submit a revised version of their paper for possible publication elsewhere after the Research Commission Seminar will need to indicate in the paper that, in part, it was previously published in the 30th Research Seminar Proceedings.
- Financial Support: Accommodation funding during the Research Commission may become available for one invited author of each full paper. Travel expenses will not be covered.
- Presentation at the World Conference: Papers accepted to the Research Commission will be automatically invited to present their paper as a Poster at the World Conference in Helsinki, based on the recommendation of the Commission-Co-Chairs. (A separate application to present this work at the World Conference is not required).
Submission Guidelines: A poster submission includes a title (no more than 15 words), an abstract (max 400 words), and a list of references. The abstract should describe recently completed research by stating the aims, salient literature, methodology, findings, and implications for research or teaching in music education. A list of references must be included after the abstract but will not be counted in the 400-word limit. Tables and figures can be submitted in one document with the list of references. No more than a total of two (2) tables and/or figures may be included. Please upload your List of References where it says ”Full Paper PDF” on the Submission Instructions page.
- Presentation guidelines: Poster presenters may present virtually or in person. Each poster will be allocated 15 minutes, encompassing a 5-minute presentation and 10 minutes of discussion and questions. Poster presenters will be asked to attend select sessions based on their time zone.
- Conference Proceedings: The abstract for the poster will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
- Financial Support: Unfortunately, no funding is available for poster presenters.
- Presentation at the World Conference: Posters accepted to the Research Commission will be automatically invited to present their poster at the World Conference in Helsinki, based on the recommendation of the Commission-Co-Chairs. (A separate application to present this work at the World Conference is not required).
Multiple Submissions Policy
The Research Commission only accepts one submission per senior author. Presenters at the International Research Seminar are invited to present their paper as a Poster at the World Conference in Helsinki. Because Seminar presentations will be reviewed by the Research Commission for inclusion in the Seminar, presenters will not go through review again by the World Conference committee, but will be taken on recommendation of the Commission Co-Chairs for the Poster Session.
At the time of a full paper submission, presenters must indicate agreement with the following copyright conditions:
Copyright Agreement:
I hereby assign to the International Society for Music Education (ISME), copyright of the Full Paper I am now submitting for use by the Society in all formats and through any medium of communication if it is accepted for Publication in the refereed Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings.
• I understand that the Full Paper I am submitting will be refereed for possible inclusion in the Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings and that it may also appear on the ISME website.
• I confirm that the Full Paper is original and has not been published previously nor is currently under consideration elsewhere, that I have obtained all necessary permissions for the reproduction of content not owned by me (e.g., illustrations, photographs, charts, and other visual material, etc.), and that the Contribution contains no unlawful statements and does not infringe any rights of others.
• I understand that I will retain copyright of the original submission for purposes of duplicating the article, placing it on my personal and institutional websites, etc., but will give ISME the first and exclusive rights to publish the ISME formatted and edited version in print or online in ISME Conference or Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings and/or journals.
• I understand that if my Full Paper is not selected for publication in the Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings, then upon such notification the copyright will revert back to me (the author).
Copyright Agreement:
I hereby assign to the International Society for Music Education (ISME), copyright of the Full Paper I am now submitting for use by the Society in all formats and through any medium of communication if it is accepted for Publication in the refereed Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings.
• I understand that the Full Paper I am submitting will be refereed for possible inclusion in the Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings and that it may also appear on the ISME website.
• I confirm that the Full Paper is original and has not been published previously nor is currently under consideration elsewhere, that I have obtained all necessary permissions for the reproduction of content not owned by me (e.g., illustrations, photographs, charts, and other visual material, etc.), and that the Contribution contains no unlawful statements and does not infringe any rights of others.
• I understand that I will retain copyright of the original submission for purposes of duplicating the article, placing it on my personal and institutional websites, etc., but will give ISME the first and exclusive rights to publish the ISME formatted and edited version in print or online in ISME Conference or Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings and/or journals.
• I understand that if my Full Paper is not selected for publication in the Pre-conference Seminar Proceedings, then upon such notification the copyright will revert back to me (the author).
Download the call
If you have any questions, please e-mail both Co-Chairs: Julia Brook or Ruth Brittin
Or contact the ISME International Office for information on membership:
Email: [email protected] or visit
For more information on submissions, please see document below. Go to in order to join or renew your membership.